- Wash my 2006 World Cup Official Argentina Jersey - ✔
- Download World Cup Fixtures MS Excel File - ✔
- Put up World Cup Fixtures Poster - ✔
- Pay Cable Fee - ✔
- Purchase sports magazines with stories about previous World Cups - ✔
- Inform manager that I might suddenly fall sick during the weekdays - ✔ (If Argentina are playing a game on that day then it will be just a coincidence)
- Update Facebook/Orkut profile pictures and profile names to reflect the fact I'm a hardcore Argentina fan - ✔
Yep my World Cup checklist is complete. Now all I have to do is wait for the quadrennial football extravaganza to begin. At one point I was half heartedly thinking if it would've been possible to fly to S.Africa but I looked up the prices of tickets and found out that unless I rob an ATM I wouldn't have enough money to make the trip. The other options were either swimming all the way or via ship both of which I don't have time for.
Anyway unless if you ain't been paying attention I have made it quite clear that I'm a huge Argentina fan. Yes it was all because of Maradona and his exploits in 1986. I was too young to remember the '86 World Cup but I like to pretend that I watched Maradona's Hand of God goal on television (but I didn't). What I remember clearly is the school notebooks sold in Aizawl which had Maradona and other famous football stars on the covers. I had quite a few of those back in the late 80s.
Fast forward to the 1990 World Cup and this time I was able to watch my first live World Cup football game which happened to be Argentina vs Cameroon but 'twas rather unfortunate that Argentina lost the game. However they made up for it by reaching the final where they lost to Der Germans.
After the 78 and 86 WC wins and the 90 final the closest we have come to winning the trophy again was reaching the Quarter Finals in 98 and 2006. This time around Diego Armando Maradona is our Manager and with Messi,Aguero, Higuain, Tevez, di Maria et al in the team we could very well get our hands on that golden trophy again. Yes I'm aware that I've started using the word "we"; during the World Cup I'm an Argentinian.
As talented as we are we don't have too many good looking chaps in our team so I don't think too many of the female sex will be supporting us. That honour always has belonged to the oh so handsome I'd turn gay for them at the drop of a hat Italians. The most good looking chap in our team is Carlos Tevez and he looks like this -

I could go on and on about those dreamy Italians.. oops I mean incredibly talented Argentinians but I need to go pray at the Church of Maradona. Yes there really is a Church of Maradona. Go enjoy your World Cup but if your favorite team is NOT Argentina then I hope your World Cup really sucks.
No tome mi cielo azul y blanco lejos de mí. Adelante La Albiceleste!
Note: La Albicelesete is the nickname of the Argentina football team. Literally translated it means "the blue and white skies" . Blue and White are the colours of the Argentina national flag. Adelante means Forward.
"No tome mi cielo azul y blanco lejos de mí " - Do not take my blue and white sky/skies away from me.
I just wanted to add something in Spanish to this post so that it would give me this whole Spanish vibe thing and girls will fall in love with me and all that. Sigh! :(
Note: La Albicelesete is the nickname of the Argentina football team. Literally translated it means "the blue and white skies" . Blue and White are the colours of the Argentina national flag. Adelante means Forward.
"No tome mi cielo azul y blanco lejos de mí " - Do not take my blue and white sky/skies away from me.
I just wanted to add something in Spanish to this post so that it would give me this whole Spanish vibe thing and girls will fall in love with me and all that. Sigh! :(
Do not take my blue and white sky away from me. Forward The Albiceleste!
For the benefit of all your readers who'll all be going What's that mean, U Amoz anyway. What's an albiceleste, btw? Judging from your ah team model, I'm guessing it means Chimps. Celestial chimps, right? As for the dreamy Italianos, none so dreamy in all futbol-ing history as the Paraguyan hottie I can never forget er whatshisnamenow ummmm...
Nu ho hian Argentina chu an tan thei khawp mai.
Oh you forgot the most important point of all in your check list! Buy crates of beer cans in bulk from Forum or other supermarts and stock them up in your fridge.
As for me? Check! :D
And of course you couldn't help mentioning me in your post, can you? You really do miss me. Heh.
Im not much of a football fanatic, but I make it a point to follow the WC. 2006 was probably the one I enjoyed the most, cos' I didn't have a job back then. Now with work and stuff, I'll be glad if I can watch the weekend matches. Best of luck for your team, gotta flip a coin to decide who i'll be rootin' for. :P
@illu: Damn! Getta room, guys! :D
Football ah hi chuan ka hrechhuak ve ziah che...if not for you, i'll still think that there is a final match in EPL :D ....
Argentina chu ka tran em em lo ngei ahhh....Italians ho chu ka tran ngeiii mai bawkahh...France ka tran hle bawk...Henry in a khelh don vang hrim hrim in
Football ah hi chuan ka hrechhuak ve ziah che...if not for you, i'll still think that there is a final match in EPL :D ....
Argentina chu ka tran em em lo ngei ahhh....Italians ho chu ka tran ngeiii mai bawkahh...France ka tran hle bawk...Henry in a khelh don vang hrim hrim in
@Calliopia - Wow your Spanish is awesome. I bet you didn't have to even use Google translator for that!
also edited post to include translation.. jeez i thought we all understood Spanish fluently.
The Paraguayan hottie - Roque Santa Cruz.
@ A-duh!i - A chhan chu mawms Mizoram a TV rawn lar tran chhoh lai kha 86 World Cup bawr vel a nih vang kha ania... bakah Maradona hi chu short dark and handsome ve hrim hrim a :D
@I-lulz-on-air: Beer ka in tawh ngai lo. Mi Fridge in a tuar duh em mai.. mwahaha mwahahaa.
@reddestblack - The match timings in IST are 5pm. 7.30 pm and 12 midnight; I have calculated that I will be able to watch at least 37 live games during this WC :D
@Virginchass - Balls tih lam sawi hi chuan i rilru ah ka lang ve ziah emni. Nia Henry a kha chu i duh ve thei ngawt mai.. i la duh reng chu ni awm sia vawi 2 te i rawn comment vel. hehe. FB ah khan tinge i friend list tangin min lo paih daih a :( . I is sad. :( In naute pic thar awm leh tawh em?
My Dad's fav team and yes of course, thanks to Maradona
I remember seeing that vs England match 86, half awake/asleep
Well,watever the outcome - dont cry for Amos Argentina (or vice versa)
"# Inform manager that I might suddenly fall sick during the weekdays - ✔ (If Argentina are playing a game on that day then it will be just a coincidence)"
Ka duh lutuk...
i tran tawh tak2 te hi cu i tran nat theih hmel eee
Italians all the way..but this time round,they arent in their best form....england an chak hmel...dont cry for me Argentina (marge and tina tia i sak ve thin lai te kha..)
The Argentinians are the only team I'd still love even if it consisted of a bunch of trolls. Any other team, yes the handsome factor is quite important :)
I briefly wondered about the SA trip too, then I found a friend of mine had booked his trip and I saw what he paid, and forget about the air fares, the accommodation + match tickets alone were humoungous. I guess TV will have to do.
messi looks ditto like steve irwin. same passion, same daft look, hihih
adel..x@#$%!@&?????? whatever it means...yeah!!!im with you lol :)im timidly treading your ground lest i awake another bully in you, *meek,meek* :)
@alejendro - ni khat chu office ka ban hmah phah mahse match dang vang . Office a inkhel ka en ka vai colleague ho te football hre deuh deuh ka hmelhriat phah asin..
@opahmar - and in the end all that's left is to cry for Argentina :(
@Nancy - nia keichu one man team ka nia.. sas lamah pawh one man team :D
@Jes - poor Italians.. they became a doormat for the weaker teams in their group. How the might have fallen!
@Jerusha - imagine if you'd done th e Japan trip in 2002 you might've had a chance to watch some games! :)
@ku3 - haha nih tak hi mawle. Love child of Steve Irwin p'raps (RIP)
@Chongtintighti - I swear word hman hi a in censor nghal vek mahse i blog ah revenge lakna chance ka nghak mai ang!
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